Service Provider Walkthrough
How to Onboard as a Service Provider
Last updated
How to Onboard as a Service Provider
Last updated
To sign up, navigate to our website and click the sign up button. You will be prompted with the sign up screen shown below. Fill out the required data and click submit!
Once you apply as a Provider you will be vetted by Serious People. One of three things can happen:
You are approved and you fit into one of the current service modules we have live. In that case you will move on to the next step of this onboarding guide.
You are approved but you do not fit into one of the current service modules we have live. In that case the Serious People team will reach out to you and inform you when we think we have enough providers in your cluster to turn on a new service module. Once the new module is live, you will move on to the next step of this onboarding guide.
You are not approved. This could be for a myriad of reasons. In this case we will reach out and let you know the reason why we cannot accept you into the network at this time, and let you know what we think you could do to improve and reapply.
From there you will receive an email to verify that your email domain matches your website. If you do not have a matching domain reach out to Serious People to verify manually.
Finish singing up and you will gain access to Serious AMM! Welcome aboard 👋
The first screen you see is the "Lead" tab. Initially, you will not have any leads ready to review. Sit tight while our match making process works its magic!
Once you receive your first lead it will appear in the request block on the left. If you have multiple leads there will be multiple Builders on the left hand side.
You can click on the Builder profile picture or their name to see a Builder profile with more information on the project. Additionally, there is relevant information about what the Builder is specifically seeking with the request.
Review the lead and decide if you would like to discuss working with them.
If you do not want to work with the lead, click the red 'x' button to decline the lead anonymously (the Builder will never know you declined their service request).
If you would like to start a conversation, click the 'Create Chat' button. You will then be prompted to leave a note for the Builder. This will be viewable by the builder inside Serious AMM.
Additionally, a Telegram group chat will automatically be created for you and the Builder!
If you add our Telegram bot as a contact you will automatically be added to the group chat.
Otherwise you can click on the Telegram icon in the "Discussing" tab to be invited to the chat.
If at any time you realize the lead is not a good fit, or you no longer want to be in discussion with this Builder, you can click the red 'x' and it will close out the lead. This also deletes the Telegram chat.
Once you have decided on deal terms and have entered into a service contract, either party can click the "Mark Engaged" button to move the deal into the next part of the funnel, the "Engaged" tab.
You can use this page to view your payment info, deal terms, and supporting documents (whether it be for legal use or just for clarity).
To add any details click the '+' icon next to the information you want to add (the Builder can also upload payment information, but nothing else).
Once the engagement is complete, either party can mark the deal as completed by clicking the 'Mark Complete' button on the request. That will move the request to the Complete tab.
Remember, once you receive compensation you need to report the total deal size to Serious People within five (5) business days. We will then invoice you for 10% of the deal so you can pay your success fee for the lead.
All that's left is to leave a review and wait for the Builder to do the same. Neither party can see the others review until both parties have submitted, so no fear in going first!
It's that simple! Wait for more leads, or check out the invite tab to bring more people into the network. You get a referral commission for anyone you onboard, check out the Referral Mechanics section in the docs for more details.