The Problem As We See It

Pain Points from Our Partners

Everyone wants to be connected to the best and safest parties in Web3. The problem is that we suffer from a variety of obstacles making this very difficult to achieve in reality.


  1. Many parties do not honor agreed upon arrangements.

  2. Builders typically compromise and settle on service providers that they can get connected to because they cannot get in touch with the best, or the ones they truly wanted.

  3. Matching the right parties within your network is challenging, and Telegram groups often fail to get created after being discussed.

  4. Many teams, even the big ones, are very disorganized.

  5. Networks ship all of one type of business to a single provider that has decreasing incentive to do a good job given they do not have clear competition.


  1. Many applications require you to fill out the same form over and over.

  2. If two parties are connected by a third, often that party has to bump both sides just to get a conversation going.

  3. There is no money in it for the connectors, making their job less desirable, and the connectors less active.

  4. It can be just as tough to get connected to the right person at that platform.


  1. It can be hard to find somebody to connect you to the party you are looking to reach.

  2. Cold outreach is painful and inefficient.

  3. Vetting service providers and projects is tough and takes a long time.

  4. There is no easy way to tell if a party is legit, a scammer, or has a bad reputation.

Last updated