Our Solution

How We Solve the Pain Points

The team at Serious People is building a new AMM. Unlike a traditional AMM (Automated Market Maker), this one is focused on Automated Match Making for businesses. We are the first and only B2B AMM.

This tool will solve the problem of making connections with partners. Now you can simply come to the platform, create a profile, and quickly begin getting WARM connections to anyone in the space that you need.

For Builders, connecting to a new partner is as easy as filling out a 5-minute form and then clicking “YES” to anybody you want to be connected with that accepts your lead. You will immediately be introduced in a telegram group, where you can promptly begin working together.

For Service Providers, simply onboard with us and review warm leads by accepting any of the requests that are sent to your inbox. We set up the telegram group chat for you, and the builder joins when they accept your match.

Additionally, anyone with connections can join in profit sharing by on boarding those new parties into the platform.

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